Monday, April 30, 2012

Wahl Massager Review & Mother’s Day Contest

I work 6-7 hours at job where I’m on my feet all day long. Not only am I on my feet, but most days I’m lifting heavy products and boxes. Such is the life of a gal in a hardware department.
Wahl Home Products makes a fantastic selection of massagers, one of which I was able to review!! I received the Deluxe Therapy Massager, and it was heaven!

Deluxe Therapy
I had to have my sons help out because I can’t reach my back on my own. Well, as soon as they saw the massager and the two extra heads, it took time for them to try it out before I even had the chance. I think my boys love doing my product reviews more than me sometimes. Gotta love their enthusiasm. =)
So, the next step was trying out the different heads. Each boy got to pick one. Yes, for the actual review, I let them go first.

Doodle picked the Kneading Massage head so I gave him a massage for a while. Thank goodness it was my day off. You’re only supposed to use a massager for 20 minutes. I’m sure he’d have gone longer if I’d have let him.
WahlNext, Buddy chose the Smooth Massage. He wasn’t feeling well, so this felt great to him! I was thinking this would be awesome the nights he comes home late from a baseball game. Give him a massage while he eats his snack before bed. I think it’s a trend that would catch on quick with him!
IMG_2085For my turn, I wanted to try a couple of them. While I was waiting for the boys to take pictures and do the massaging, I had my cat laying next to me. She got a quick massage and looked at me like, “could you never stop doing that?”

When Doodle was doing the massaging, it was tickling waaay too much and I realized he just wasn’t pressing hard enough. So I asked him to press harder. He used the head with Deep Massage and I know that one is going to come in handy on the days I’ve worked my tail off!
Wahl Deluxe MassagerThen I think for the every day, I’ll go with either the Smooth Massage head or Kneading Massage head. Both of those will be perfect on my shoulders and neck! That’s where I carry most of my stress and have a lot of knots.

I’m telling you, these boys are going to be put to work making sure mom is feeling good at the end of the day. Of course, it’ll come after they get their massages happen. I think we all know how it works in this house already.Wahl
Now, here’s the awesome part! Wahl is having a giveaway!
Beginning April 26 and running through May 13, those who like Wahl Home on Facebook can nominate a mom to win a mom relief package from Wahl, whether it’s your mom, grandmother, wife, daughter, a friend or yourself. They’re giving 50 massagers to 50 deserving moms this Mother’s Day
To enter the Mom Relief Initiative, simply post a comment explaining why the mom on your list deserves relief—maybe they’re a single mom who does it all, a working mom who never takes a break, a grandmother who’s always been there…every mom has a story and every story matters.

Entries will be judged on their uniqueness and sincerity and the winners will be selected once the contest wraps up on May 13. Stories MUST be submitted before then in order to be considered.
If you’re anything like me, you know a mom or ARE a mom who could use a little pampering. That deep tissue massage would come in handy right about now, right?

So head on over there and enter for yourself or someone you know!
*I received the product above for review. All opinions expressed are my own and never influenced by the company.


Unknown said... 1

This looks magnificent. The only catch would be getting someone to use it on ME.

Unknown said... 2

Would work wonders on my neck!! Great review, looks like your boys are hooked!

Amy said... 3

your boys sound like how my son would be. I sooo need one of these! Thank you for the great review - this is now on my Wish list!

Kelly said... 4

Very cool! I could use that for my back which has never been same since my pregnancy. Thanks for the great review Mimi.

Kathleen said... 5

Oh I want one of these SO bad. I get migraines that radiate down my neck and upper back and my hubby SUCKS at massaging, just makes it worse. AT least with this he just has to move it around.

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Woven by Words by Mimi B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.