Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Christmas With My Family

I know, we’re in the new year and I’m still doing my Christmas Wordless Wednesday. Eh, I’m late for everything. I’m over it. =)

Christmas 1

Above clockwise: Dad, Doodle, my Grandma (who is tearing tiny bits off) & Smooch, Buddy & my brother M, my brother C’s Girlfriend L.

Christmas 2

Above clockwise: Smooch & Baby, my bro C, Baby, my bro M, my Mom

Please be sure to visit these other Wordless Wednesday participants: 5 Minutes for Mom, Mom Spotted, and Two of a Kind Working on a Full House.

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Emilie said... 1

Nothing wrong with some Christmas posts! If it makes you feel any better, I was just told today by a friend that she'll be mailing out her Xmas cards TOMORROW. :)

Happy WW and thanks for stopping by!
Emilie @ Baby Loving Mama

Veronica Lee said... 2

Beautiful family! Love the pics!

Happy WW!

Marice said... 3

wonderful mosaic :)

Zelma Lopez said... 4

Hey, don't worry, I haven't posted ANY christmas pics yet!

Diana said... 5

Looks like a blessed Christmas with your family!

Felicia said... 6

It looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas!

Little Hatchlings said... 7

Well, it's only been a week (and a half) since Christmas! I think that's great that you're able to get the pix posted. Looks like everyone had a great time.

Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said... 8

Reindeer sweater! Love it.

Fiona @Banteringblonde said... 9

I haven't even uploaded half my photos yet so you are way ahead of me! Happy New Year!

Andrea Kruse said... 10

I am all for keeping up and enjoying the Christmas photos, we do so much prep for the holiday and it is over too quickly.

Looks like your family had a great time! Thanks for sharing.

Penelope said... 11

They are great, and better late than never!

Besides, I like extending wonderful holidays, and the memories of them.

Liz Mays said... 12

What a wonderful family get-together! Everyone looks really happy! :))

Aleksandra Nearing said... 13

Better late than never, right? Looks like you all had a wonderful time. Merry belated Christmas :)

nomo wino daph said... 14

Great images & good times!!

You can link up with me today for {semi} wordless wendnesday if you'd like. I just started it a few weeks ago.

Happy Wednesday!

An Apel a Day said... 15

It's never too late for something fun!

LadyD Piano said... 16

Beautiful photo montage!!

Momma Megan said... 17

What fun to have the family together for Christmas! Looks like it was wonderful!

alicia said... 18

Looks like a great holiday with the fam. I still haven't shared mine. lol.

Rachael said... 19

Looks like a great family time. :-) You are ahead of me - I still haven't posted my Christmas pictures. :-)

Candace said... 20

I am digging the Nerf picture it reminds me of my house at Christmas LOL

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Woven by Words by Mimi B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.