Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Riptide at Valleyfair

I went on this 2x. Scared the stink out of me. It was so exciting! This was our ride! Woo Hoo

Visit these other fun WW participants: 5 Minutes for Mom, J. Leigh Designz, and Look What Mom Found…And Dad Too.


Veronica Lee said... 1

OMG! It would have scared the hell out of me too!!

Happy WW!

Milk and Honey Mommy said... 2


Ah 20 years ago, I might have done this, but I'm wiser now and there is absolutely NO WAY anyone would ever get me on a ride like that. I've become a chicken in my old age.

Stefany said... 3

I have no words... I can't even watch. My stomach turns just seeing the freeze frame. lol

Liza said... 4

I'd love to try it!

Maria @ LSS said... 5

That looks fun to me. :)

Cafe au lait said... 6

I wouldn't dare, lol.

I played too. Mine are here and here.

Modern Mom said... 7

OMG! Looks so scary.

Simply Delicious said... 8

My husband would surely love that.

Happy WW.

Run DMT said... 9

I would have puked on that ride. No way. :-P

Dee said... 10

AHHHHH..I'm a chicken at times!

An Apel a Day said... 11

I could not of gone on this ride! I'm such a chicken. Even on a sky lift my 4 year old kept telling me, "Mommy it's going to be ok!"

Check out my WW at: http://theapels.blogspot.com/2010/08/wordless-wednesday-out-of-focus.html

Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said... 12

Yikes I don't think I would have attempted that even though I do enjoy a good ride.

Michelle @Flying Giggles said... 13

That looks like a lot of fun. It must be the adrenaline junky in me!

~ Noelle said... 14

better you than me...
i just can not handle those things anymore! lol

Tammi @ My Organized Chaos said... 15

I would be terrified, age has made me weak!!


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Woven by Words by Mimi B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.